In this episode, Jacob Putney and Tamara Cushing discuss woodland taxation and finance.
All posts by Kellan Soriano
EPISODE 15: Reforestation
In this episode, Stephen Fitzgerald and Carli Morgan discuss reforestation at the McDonald-Dunn Forest planting site.
In this episode, Lauren Grand and Ariel Cowan discuss the role fungi play in maintaining a healthy forest.
Episode 13: Woodland Management
In this episode, Jacob Putney discusses the importance of managing forests with Glenn Ahrens.
Episode 12: Pollinators
In this episode, Lauren Grand discusses the importance of pollinators with Jim Rivers.
Episode 11: Difficult Situations
In this episode, Lauren Grand and Emily Jane Davis discuss strategies to help land owners deal with difficult situations.
EPISODE 10: Forest Products
In this episode, Jacob Putney discusses multiple interesting topics regarding forest products manufacturing with Scott Leavengood.
Episode 9: wildlife
In this episode, Lauren Grand discusses the relationship between forests and wildlife with Thomas Stokely.
Episode 8: NTFP
In this episode, Lauren Grand discusses the importance of non-timber forest products with Neil Schroeder.
Continue reading Episode 8: NTFP