All posts by cantrcar

Episode 49: The Oregon Wildfire Hazard Map

In this episode Lauren Grand interviews Andy McEvoy on the wildfire hazard map created for Oregon.

“It includes that best available science with that first round of input from fire and fuels professionals on the fuels, but then it also includes observations from and feedback from county planners, local land managers, and the other folks that know their landscapes.”  

Andy McEvoy, Oregon State University, Faculty Research Assistant
Continue reading Episode 49: The Oregon Wildfire Hazard Map

Episode 48: Reducing Fire Risk in Northwest Oregon

In this episode Lauren Grand and guest-host Aaron Groth interview Jen Warren and Mike Cafferata.

A red flag warning is a great opportunity to trigger folks to think about what they can do to prepare in case there were a fire near their home…Do a good sweep around your house, refresh your evacuation plan, and check your kit.” 

Jen Warren, Oregon State Fire Marshal, Fire Risk Reduction Specialist.
Continue reading Episode 48: Reducing Fire Risk in Northwest Oregon